Longevity Articles

5 Best Anti-Aging Supplements to Know About

Aging is something that happens to all of us, and we largely wish to halt it a best we can.

Aging — it’s something we all do and largely wish to stall. This slow degradation of biological functions over time occurs as the body fails to adapt to metabolic stress, leading to cellular senescence, disease, and eventually — death. Aging is theorized to have a number of potential causes such as oxidative damage, bodily injuries, mitochondrial damage, and telomere shortening. While we can’t escape death or the time that leads up to it, minimizing the aging-related damage that can cause a lower quality of life may be possible with the assistance of an anti-aging dietary supplement. Let’s take a closer look at the supportive research behind the best anti aging supplements and top longevity supplements on the market today.

Five of the Best Anti Aging Supplements 

Minimizing aging damage may be possible with the assistance of an anti-aging dietary supplement.

1. NMN Supplement

As a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) assists in hundreds of metabolic functions crucial to healthy aging. NAD+ levels drop as we age, lowering its ability to energize and protect our cells from damaging oxidative stress. One organ that can greatly benefit from an NMN supplement is the brain, playing a role in every single bodily action. In a study by GeroScience, NMN was found to support healthy blood vessel repair, circulation and blood supply in the brain, which helped lessen brain fog and boost mental focus. A study in Brain Research found that NMN supplements helped protect protect against cognitive impairment and neural death in rats by reducing amyloid-β oligomers, the primary neurotoxins responsible for a decline in cognitive function.

Also, NMN restored the rat’s levels of NAD+ and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) — the chemical found in mitochondria that releases energy needed for critical cellular processes. This points to the hope that NMN may provide anti-aging benefits to people with neurodegeneration of the brain.

What to consider when supplementing with NMN:

  • NMN powder offers the highest absorption compared to other NMN supplements. Dissolvable with liquids and under the tongue. 
  • Sustained-release tablets produce a slower release of NMN than powder.
  • Capsules are another slow-release option to elevate NMN levels for a longer period.
  • Lozenges are a convenient NMN supplement for fast absorption under the tongue.

2. Trans-Resveratrol

Trans-resveratrol is the active, bioavailable component that gives resveratrol — a natural phenol found in grape skins and wine — its antioxidant and immunomodulating health benefits. One way trans-resveratrol assists in anti-aging is by activating sirtuins, protective genes that regulate cellular health. NMN also activates these "longevity genes," and paired with trans-resveratrol, they are a powerhouse duo. One study by the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology found resveratrol creates pronounced positive cardiovascular modulation when interacting with the sirtuin system. 

Furthermore, trans-resveratrol is a potent free radical scavenger that can boost your antioxidant profile and diminish the oxidative damage that contributes to age-related decline. When taken long term, it may promote a healthier inflammatory response in the cardiovascular system. Ultimately, in addition to being a top anti aging supplement, it has a variety of other health benefits as well. 

What to consider when supplementing with trans-resveratrol: 

  • Trans-resveratrol is the bioactive form of resveratrol and has the most valuable biological activity. 
  • A supplement that also includes organic cofactors and BioPerine® can improve absorption and blood concentrations levels of trans-resveratrol up to 1544%. 

3. TMG

Most commonly known as betaine, trimethylglycine (TMG) is an amino acid with three methyl groups attached to each molecule of glycine. It operates as a crucial methyl donor on a similar pathway as B12 to support methylation — a fundamental process responsible for many biological functions like energy production, metabolism, cell division, DNA expression, and producing antioxidants. All of which are supported by this longevity supplement and other anti aging products.

With stress and genetic mutations such as the MTHFR gene, our methyl pools get depleted, leading to decreased functionality and increased signs of aging. Pairing TMG with NMN may help safeguard against age-related diseases by boosting the methyl pool population so our bodies can perform needed tasks for optimal health. As our ability to methylate decreases with time and age, so does our ability to support the many anti-aging processes, especially gene expression. Changes in DNA expressions may be a potential contributor to age-related diseases. Thus, supporting methylation ability with methyl donors like TMG might ward off these changes. 

What to consider when supplementing with TMG: 

  • It is best to take TMG in the morning with cofactors like B6, B12, and folic acid, with or without food. 
  • If muscle tension or headaches occur, reduce TMG dose or discontinue product, and inform your physician if they do not subside. 
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose. 
Anti-aging supplements may work to combat oxidative stress and increase metabolic function to enhance your healthspan.

    4. Berberine

    Berberine is an alkaloid compound typically extracted from barberry or goldenseal plants, working as an antioxidant and promoting a healthier inflammatory response, while simultaneously activating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). This AMPK enzyme alerts the body when there are low energy levels inside the cells. When this happens, intracellular energy levels are restored. Adding berberine to a supplement stack of NMN and trans-resveratrol can promote better health and longer life

    What to consider when supplementing with berberine: 

    • For optimal absorption, berberine is best taken with meals containing fat. 
    • Consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant, nursing, have dysregulated blood sugar control, or are being treated for a medical condition. 

    5. Pterostilbene

    Pterostilbene, a natural dietary compound, is the primary antioxidant component found in blueberries. While similar to regular resveratrol — not to be confused with trans-resveratrol — pterostilbene has increased bioavailability with an absorption rate of about 80%, according to one animal study. This allows for increased ability to protect against age-related inflammation that can positively influence heart health, immunity, and cognitive function. 

    Like NMN and trans-resveratrol, pterostilbene can activate the SIRT1 longevity gene by triggering sirtuin production — enzymes that play a role in DNA replication and the breakdown of NAD+ needed for energy. Taking NMN with pterostilbene may accelerate energy production and slow the aging process at a cellular level. 

    What to consider when supplementing with pterostilbene: 

    • Look for pterostilbene products that include additional antioxidant sources. 
    • While boosting cellular metabolism, your cells will begin to remove waste, capturing and escorting it out of the body. 
    • Pregnant and nursing women should consult their doctor before starting a pterostilbene supplement. 

    The Takeaway

    While there may be a spectrum of supplements that offer anti-aging effects — NMN, trans-resveratrol, TMG, berberine, and pterostilbene have gained recent attention for being able to activate sirtuin enzymes. Each supplement works well individually, but when stacked together, they work synergistically to combat oxidative stress and increase metabolic function to enhance your healthspan.


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