Longevity Articles

Is Quercetin the New Queen of Anti-Aging? How a Quercetin-Bromelain Complex Supports Longevity

Is Quercetin the New Queen of Anti-Aging? How a Quercetin-Bromelain Complex Supports Longevity

Previously used mainly for allergy relief and immune support, quercetin has emerged in recent years as a longevity-boosting supplement. From clearing senescent cells to supporting cognitive function to increasing lifespan in yeast and animals, quercetin is now thought to do more than simply relieve itchy eyes. 

While quercetin is the most commonly consumed flavonoid antioxidant in the American diet and is found widely in many common fruits and vegetables, like apples, onions, and berries, the amounts found in foods are much lower than you can find in supplements. 

However, many quercetin supplementation trials have not produced beneficial outcomes—likely because it has low bioavailability on its own, meaning it’s difficult for our bodies to digest and absorb it effectively. One way to combat these low absorption rates is by adding other compounds, like bromelain and vitamin C—which you’ll find in ProHealth’s Quercetin and Bromelain Complex. 

Top 5 Benefits of Quercetin for Longevity

While quercetin is well-known for supporting allergy relief and immunity, recent research has also pointed to its longevity-boosting effects.

While quercetin is well-known for supporting allergy relief and immunity, recent research has also pointed to its longevity-boosting effects.

1. Clears Senescent Cells 

Quercetin has been found to function as a senolytic—a compound that kills off senescent cells. Aging is partly caused by cellular senescence, a buildup of cells that have stopped growing and dividing but remain in the body, causing inflammatory damage to neighboring cells and tissues. 

An accumulation of senescent cells is thought to be a large part of the aging puzzle—and quercetin may be able to help clear them. Quercetin is one-half of the commonly-studied senolytic duo called DQ (dasatinib and quercetin), but the flavonoid on its own has also shown promise for clearing senescent cells. In a lab study, researchers found that treating adipocytes (fat cells) with quercetin significantly reduced markers of senescence, in addition to suppressing inflammation and oxidative stress.

2. Supports Cognition 

Previous research has shown that quercetin can cross the highly selective boundary between the circulating blood and the nervous system called the blood-brain barrier, linking the compound to improved brain health and cognition. 

Due to its antioxidant properties, quercetin reduces oxidative stress and the buildup of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which contribute to inflammation and neuron dysfunction when accumulated in the brain. 

In research with cognitively impaired mice, quercetin supplements significantly improved several markers of brain health, including better scores on spatial learning and memory tests. The quercetin-treated mice also had reductions in inflammation in the hippocampus—the area of the brain most responsible for memory and learning—and suppression of ROS and oxidative stress. 

Lastly, quercetin increased the levels of three proteins that are involved with cognition—brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF), and postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD95). This trio of compounds is essential for the growth, survival and maintenance of neurons and helps strengthen neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to grow and adapt by forming new neural connections.

3Boosts Sirtuin Activity 

Sirtuins are a class of seven proteins that are essential for aging, as they regulate DNA repair, cell survival and metabolism. Low sirtuin activity has been implicated in the aging process, as sirtuins play a crucial role in regulating cellular senescence. 

Quercetin has been found to boost levels of some sirtuins, especially SIRT1 and SIRT6. Increased SIRT1 activity is highly involved in longevity and is thought to be protective in brain-related disorders, as the protein is highly active in neurons and plays a role in memory formation.

While quercetin is well-known for supporting allergy relief and immunity, recent research has also pointed to its longevity-boosting effects.

4. Supports a Healthier Inflammatory Response

Almost all age-related conditions—and aging itself—can be linked to chronic inflammation. Therefore, tamping down inflammatory responses can be beneficial for health and longevity. 

Studies have shown that quercetin supports healthier inflammatory responses. In a study with athletes, those who supplemented with 500 mg of quercetin plus 250 mg of vitamin C for eight weeks had significantly reduced inflammatory markers, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).

5. Increases Lifespan in Yeast and Animals

Last but certainly not least, quercetin has been shown to extend the lifespan of certain species. In a study with yeast, quercetin ​increased the average lifespan by 60%. Research with roundworms found similar—albeit not quite as impressive—results, showing that quercetin exposure increased average lifespan by up to 15%.

However, it’s important to note that we don’t have clinical studies that have looked at the effects of quercetin on human lifespan yet. 

The ProHealth Advantage: Boosting Bioavailability With Bromelain

Although you can get quercetin from food, the average dietary intake of the flavonoid amounts to only 15-50 mg per day. Conversely, quercetin supplements commonly provide 500 to 1,000 mg. 

However, quercetin is not soluble in water and is therefore poorly absorbed, rendering many quercetin supplements ineffective. Fortunately, ProHealth’s Quercetin-Bromelain Complex utilizes several compounds that can benefit quercetin’s bioavailability. 

Bromelain is a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme found in pineapples that has been found to increase the absorption of quercetin, as does vitamin C. Plus, bromelain has the added benefit of supporting healthier inflammatory responses and digestion, while vitamin C provides additional antioxidant and immune support. 

ProHealth’s Quercetin-Bromelain Complex contains 1,000 mg of naturally-sourced quercetin from the Japanese Pagoda tree, 300 mg of bromelain, 600 mg of vitamin C and 39 mg of magnesium—a winning combination for supporting healthy aging. 


Askari G, Ghiasvand R, Feizi A, Ghanadian SM, Karimian J. The effect of quercetin supplementation on selected markers of inflammation and oxidative stress. J Res Med Sci. 2012;17(7):637-641.

Belinha I, Amorim MA, Rodrigues P, et al. Quercetin increases oxidative stress resistance and longevity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Agric Food Chem. 2007;55(6):2446-2451. doi:10.1021/jf063302e

Li H, Chen FJ, Yang WL, Qiao HZ, Zhang SJ. Quercetin improves cognitive disorder in aging mice by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Food Funct. 2020;10.1039/d0fo01900c. doi:10.1039/d0fo01900c

Saul N, Pietsch K, Menzel R, Steinberg CE. Quercetin-mediated longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans: is DAF-16 involved? Mech Ageing Dev. 2008;129(10):611-613. doi:10.1016/j.mad.2008.07.001

Zhang F, Feng J, Zhang J, Kang X, Qian D. Quercetin modulates AMPK/SIRT1/NF-κB signaling to inhibit inflammatory/oxidative stress responses in the rat carotid artery. Exp Ther Med. 2020;20(6):280. doi:10.3892/etm.2020.9410

Zoico E, Nori N, Darra E, et al. Senolytic effects of quercetin in an in vitro model of pre-adipocytes and adipocytes induced senescence. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):23237. Published 2021 Dec 1. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-02544-0

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