Longevity Articles

Exploring the Intricate Relationship Between Memory and Appetite: A Deep Dive into The Mechanisms Behind High BMI

Exploring the Intricate Relationship Between Memory and Appetite: A Deep Dive into The Mechanisms Behind High BMI

New research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania indicates a direct relationship between disrupted brain circuit connections and high Body Mass Index (BMI), especially in those with disordered eating like binge eating disorder.

The study reveals that high BMI is associated with weakened connections between the dorsolateral hippocampus and the lateral hypothalamus, which could affect emotional responses tied to food.

These findings emphasize that high BMI and related eating issues are more complex than just self-control, highlighting the need for therapeutic interventions to correct these brain connections. Brain activity was monitored to validate these results. 

The original research discussed below can be found here: 

Penn Medicine Researchers Identify the Link Between Memory and Appetite in the Human Brain to Explain High BMI 

High BMI is a complex health issue that has been linked to various factors, such as genetics, lifestyle, and environment. However, recent research has introduced a surprising element to the list: our memory. This article will peer into the fascinating relationship between memory and appetite, exploring how their interaction may contribute to high BMI, and offer insights on possible interventions. 

Memory and Eating: A Two-Way Street 

Memory and eating share a reciprocal relationship. What we eat can influence our memory, and our memory can, in turn, influence what and how much we eat. In one study, individuals with amnesia, a condition characterized by severe memory loss, were noted to have disrupted processing of hunger and satiety cues, which led to overconsumption. In healthy participants, memory of a recently eaten meal was found to limit subsequent food intake.

This relationship is not just psychological; it's also physiological. Certain areas of the brain, specifically the dorsolateral hippocampus (dlHPC) and the lateral hypothalamus (LH), are involved in the processing of hunger and satiety cues, as well as memory. Hence, disruptions in these areas might lead to overeating and, potentially, high BMI. 

The Role of the Hippocampus 

The hippocampus is a critical part of the brain involved in the formation, organization, and storage of memories. It's also implicated in the regulation of hunger and satiety signals. Evidence suggests that the hippocampus processes hunger and satiety cues, and integrates these signals with memory of the meal. This integration allows for better prediction of the consequences of future consumption and promotes flexibility in eating behavior. 

Interestingly, the hippocampus is divided into two regions: the dorsal hippocampus (dHC) and the ventral hippocampus (vHC). The dHC is associated with memory processes, while the vHC is linked to emotional and motivational states.6 Both regions play a role in appetite regulation. 

The Dysregulated Hippocampal Subnetwork and High BMI 

Research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania discovered a link between memory, appetite, and high BMI. They found that the hippocampal subnetwork, located within the memory center of the brain, was more dysregulated in individuals with higher body mass indexes (BMIs). This dysregulation led to an inability to control or regulate eating habits, contributing to high BMI. 

The researchers further found that individuals who are obese have impaired connections between the dlHPC and the LH. This impairment may impact their ability to control or regulate emotional responses when anticipating rewarding meals or treats, leading to overeating. 

The Influence of Hormones and Neuropeptides on Eating Behavior 

Hormones and neuropeptides also play a significant role in eating behavior. For instance, ghrelin, often referred to as the 'hunger hormone', sends signals to the brain to stimulate appetite. Meanwhile, leptin, known as the 'satiety hormone', signals the brain that you are full.

Interestingly, these hormones also interact with the hippocampus. Research suggests that endocrine and neuropeptide systems act primarily in the vHC to provide hunger and satiety signals and regulate learned aspects of eating. This interaction further exemplifies the intricate relationship between memory and appetite. 

High BMI and Memory Impairment 

High BMI has been associated with cognitive decline, including memory impairment. A study found that high BMI and insulin resistance were linked to decreased activity in core memory regions of the brain. Another research indicated that high BMI was associated with reduced spatial working memory in preadolescent children.

High BMI-related memory impairment can create a vicious cycle where overeating leads to high BMI, which then disrupts memory and hippocampal function, leading to further increase in intake. This cycle may contribute to the development and maintenance of high BMI. 

The Impact of Overeating and High BMI on Hippocampal Function 

Overeating and high BMI can negatively impact hippocampal function. In rodents, overconsumption of hypercaloric diets was found to disrupt hippocampal-dependent memory and learning.In humans, high-fat diets were associated with reduced hippocampal activity and increased preference for high-calorie foods. 

The Potential for Cognitive Interventions in High BMI Management 

The connection between memory and appetite suggests that cognitive interventions could potentially be effective in managing high BMI. Such interventions could focus on enhancing memory function, particularly in relation to eating habits and food intake. 

For instance, memory-based techniques, such as keeping a food diary or using apps that prompt individuals to recall what they have eaten, could help regulate food intake. Cognitive training programs aimed at improving working memory could also be beneficial. 

The Future of Memory and Appetite Research 

The intersection of memory and appetite is a relatively new field of study, and there is much we are yet to understand. Future research could explore how different types of memory, such as episodic memory (memory for specific events) and semantic memory (general knowledge), influence appetite and eating behavior. 

Moreover, the interaction between memory, appetite, and other factors such as stress, sleep, and physical activity could be an interesting avenue for future research. Understanding these relationships could provide a more comprehensive view of the complex interplay between memory and appetite in the context of high BMI. 


The intricate relationship between memory and appetite provides a unique perspective on our understanding of high BMI. It underscores the complex nature of this condition, highlighting that it's not just about what we eat, but also how our brain, particularly our memory, responds to what we eat. 

By deepening our understanding of these processes, we can develop more effective interventions to avoid high BMI. In the context of high BMI, this might mean focusing not just on our diets, but also on our memories. 

For older adults, understanding the relationship between memory and appetite is crucial. As we age, our memory may not be as sharp as it used to be, and this could potentially affect our eating habits. Being aware of this connection, and taking steps to maintain a healthy memory, can help stave off the effects of aging. 

Keeping a food diary or using apps that prompt you to recall what you have eaten could be a practical strategy. Additionally, engaging in activities that boost memory, such as puzzles, reading, and social activities, could also be beneficial. Lastly, it's important to maintain a balanced diet and regular physical activity, as these can contribute to both good memory function and healthy weight management. 



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