A Personal Letter to My ProHealth Friends

Dear Friends,
I founded ProHealth in 1988 in an effort to reach out and offer help, encouragement and support to other patients like myself who were suffering with ME/CFS. We soon included people with fibromyalgia and later chronic Lyme disease because those illness were closely related to ME/CFS.
At that time, most of the medical community didn't even recognize these illnesses as existing, therefore, they offered little help for patients. As a result, struggling patients began to turn to one another and look to organizations and companies like ProHealth to learn more about their illness and seek options to help them cope with these strange diseases.
It has been my honor for the past 33 years to provide you with the latest research, news and information about ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and chronic Lyme disease. And I'm proud to say that ProHealth has been able to donate more than $4 million to research and awareness for these diseases.
During that time, ProHealth has also offered you a wide variety of the highest quality, best researched nutritional supplements available. While we will continue to provide you with these same high-quality supplements going forward, the FDA will no longer allow us to publish disease-related information on this website. They feel that if a company that sells supplements also publishes information about diseases, they are implying that their supplements will prevent, treat, mitigate or cure those diseases or the symptoms of those diseases. By law, such claims cannot be made.
Therefore, although my heart is still with you and these disease communities, ProHealth will no longer be able to provide any disease-related information. Sometime in October, we will be removing all disease-related content from the ProHealth website. As soon as possible, we will then provide you with a list of organizations where you can find good, accurate information about ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and chronic Lyme disease.
I hope you will continue to come to ProHealth.com for your nutritional supplement needs. As always, I insist that we offer only the highest quality, best researched supplements available. You have my personal guarantee!
Wishing you healing and happiness,
Rich Carson