Fake, Fraudulent NMN Products on Amazon Exposed

In late 2020/early 2021, ProHealth Longevity and our partner Effepharm tested and exposed numerous adulterated and counterfeit NMN products sold on Amazon, many with fake Certificates of Authenticity and other documentation. Now Consumer Lab and others are reporting similar alarming findings. Sales of ProHealth Longevity NMN have surged since those additional findings were made public in December 2021.
Our own research uncovered that more than half of the NMN products tested contained zero NMN and some products had less than 80 percent purity. There were suppliers selling ordinary nicotinamide (low-cost vitamin B3) as NMN.
Widespread Fraud Uncovered by Third Parties
This has now been confirmed by a third party. As reported by Consumer Lab, a leading NR product supplier tested the 21 NMN brands with the highest market share on Amazon.
Of the 21 brands, ProHealth Longevity was one of only three that contained their claimed amounts of NMN. An astounding 14 brands were found to contain less than 1% of the claimed NMN amount. This confirms our own analyses.
Consumer Lab notes, “Interestingly, many of the products found to contain virtually no NMN have hundreds or thousands of positive reviews on Amazon and some display images of certificates of analysis indicating that they provide their claimed amounts of NMN.”
This calls into question how those reviews were attained.
High Profile Influencers are Also Sounding the Alarm
Those calling further attention to this consumer fraud include Dr. Brad Stanfield, a New Zealand physician who told his 89,700 YouTube subscribers: “This highlights an important point. It’s a minefield out there with any supplement … What I really like about this testing is that it’s independent.”
Stanfield reveals a chart with the analysis results by brand. ProHealth Longevity NMN Pro 300 was tested and confirmed to have the promised 300 mg/serving of NMN. In most cases, less than 1% of the claimed NMN was present in the brands tested. Stanfield specifically singles out ProHealth Longevity NMN for its high purity.
“The Pulse” host Marcel is publicly documenting his own positive NMN experience. After seeing the NMN analysis “blow up on the internet,” he told his 6,840 subscribers that the third-party analysis exposed something that is “very much appreciated … it confirms what we’ve already been finding out and suspected.” Since there is money to be made by selling cheap or adulterated products, he also questions if there are other fake dietary supplements being sold on Amazon. “Why would you stop at NMN?”
Marcel was compelled to make the video talking about fake supplements being sold on Amazon, “because it affects the wellbeing of other people. I’ve experienced tremendous results taking NMN. Real NMN. Confirmable, verifiable NMN. And ultimately, I am inspired to see more people benefit. But they’re not going to benefit if they can’t order it reliably.”
ProHealth Longevity thanks everyone who is speaking out. We also applaud the industry leaders who, as we strive to do ourselves, conduct business with integrity and transparency. We know that trust is earned not just by what we say but more importantly by delivering pure, safe and scientifically validated NMN whether you buy it on Amazon or our website.
There is still much to be learned about NMN’s health benefits. And we encourage reputable researchers to do just that. In the meantime, please make sure that the product you are buying contains what it’s supposed to contain.