Drinking green, oolong, or black tea 4 times per week for 25 years had positive effects on brain structure on the MRI scans of older adults, leading to the brain processing information more efficiently.
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Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) tends to be resistant to chemotherapy. Inhibiting GSK-3, an enzyme involved with cancer processes, can make PDAC cells more sensitive to a chemotherapy drug, which may improve survival rates.
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Measuring how quickly a person's pupil dilates during cognitive tests is a low-cost way to screen people for Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that people with mild cognitive impairment had greater pupil dilation.
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Lung cancer tends to be resistant to chemotherapy. Lung cancer cells express high amounts of TIMP-1, which increases expression of IL-6 (a chemotherapy-resistant immune modulator). These are called a "destructive duo" in cancer prognosis.
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