Natural Wellness Articles

The Power of SURRENDER...Why it is necessary in the healing process

The Power of SURRENDER...Why it is necessary in the healing process

People often associate the term surrender with ā€œgiving upā€ or ā€œquitting,ā€ yet this couldnā€™t be farther from the truth when talking about our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

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The Art of Resting

The Art of Resting

Quality rest is essential to wellbeing.

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Cravings For High-Calorie Foods May Be Switched Off In The Brain By New Supplement

Cravings For High-Calorie Foods May Be Switched Off In The Brain By New Supplement

A new study suggests that a supplement, based on a molecule produced by bacteria in the gut, reduces cravings for high-calorie foods such as chocolate, cake and pizza.

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Green Smoothie

Spring: When Everything Turns Green, Including Smoothies

Discover the health benefits of green smoothies and learn how to fit them into your daily routine.

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