Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

Longevity Articles — Energy

Absorbable forms of CoQ10 can fuel your mitochondria.

Fuel Your Mitochondria with Bioavailable CoQ10

Mitochondrial function is critical to maintaining life. But your mitochondria degrades as you age, accelerating the aging process itself and promoting a large number of chronic diseases. Highly absorbable forms of CoQ10 can help support mitochondria health through the years. 

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The enzyme eNAMPT boosts NAD+ levels to improve health and increase longevity.

Is the Enzyme eNampt the Future of Health and Longevity?

The enzyme eNAMPT effectively converts into NMN and boosts NAD+ levels, increasing lifespan and improving energy, cognition, vision, and sleep in mice. 

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Boost energy with these top 8 foods to fight fatigue.

Feeling Tired? Power Up with These 8 Fatigue-Fighting Foods

Fight fatigue and boost energy with foods and drinks such as water, protein, fiber, green tea or matcha, bananas, nuts, dark chocolate, and beets, which promote satiety, stable blood sugar levels, and increased nitric oxide production. 

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Autophagy is the cellular recycling process that we need to lead long and healthy lives

6 Things You Should Know about Autophagy

Autophagy is a recycling process that removes dysfunctional cells, increases longevity, and reduces the risk of chronic disease. Increase autophagy by intermittent fasting, high-intensity interval training, restorative sleeping, and supplementing with EGCG (from green tea), resveratrol, and curcumin.

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